Sunday School is offered for PreK through 6th grade. Vacation Bible School is offered each summer. P.A.C.K. (Pre-Confirmation Activities at Church for Kids) is a way for our 4th-6th grade Sunday Schoolers to come together to build deeper relationships before starting Confirmation classes.
Students begin English Lutheran's 3-year confirmation program in 7th grade and are confirmed at the end of their 9th grade year. Wednesday night class, retreats, service projects, and more! Classes are taught by Pastor Mark Kvale, Pastor Becky Goche, and Jared Kronback. Confirmation guides help with small groups.
We have many programs and ways for 7th-12 graders to get involved at church and grow in faith, including MS and HS Youth Nights, service projects, fundraising events like our popular Breakfast Burrito Sundays, National Youth Gathering, mission trips, and more!
To register for Sunday School or Confirmation classes, please call 608-784-9335 or email our office for more information.
Scrip Gift Card Fund-Raising is available for all students and families! Family funds may be used to cover costs of
VBS registration, mission trips, National Youth Gathering, summer Bible camp (ELCA affiliated), and more.
VBS registration, mission trips, National Youth Gathering, summer Bible camp (ELCA affiliated), and more.