We have exciting news! We have a new app and online giving page.
(And don't worry - your existing logins will still work!)
(And don't worry - your existing logins will still work!)
Other options...Set up automatic withdrawals! Print, fill out this form, and turn it in to the church office. Your withdrawals are then set up for you on a weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly frequency.
Give by text! Text the amount you wish to give to 855.929.1663. (Use 5, 10, 15, etc. - no decimal point or dollar sign.) You'll receive a text back with further instructions.
Give by other means! We welcome offerings given during worship services via check or cash. If you wish to make an bequest gift or include English Lutheran in your estate planning, please contact the church office. And of course, you can always mail a check to the church for your offering.
Communion FundWorshippers are able to give to our Communion Fund online or in the green envelopes found in the pews. This fund was set up by Pastor Guttormsson many years ago to help individuals and families in our community. Most worshippers give a dollar or two each week. These gifts are used to provide gas for people to get to work, help with Xcel Energy bills, and more. Monthly support is also sent to WAFER and WINN, Inc. from this fund.
Financial Wellness Tools
Luke 12:34: For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Check out these links for financial wellness. These are organizations that we as a church have found to be helpful. Did you know the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has its own credit union? We encourage you to consider it for a banking option!
ELCA Federal Credit Union Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Share, Save, Spend
ELCA Federal Credit Union Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Share, Save, Spend