Interfaith Partners for Peace with Justice
in Palestine/Israel
A prayer vigil for the Middle East is held on the third Thursday of every month. The 5:30 p.m. prayer vigil meets in the Fellowship Hall (2024: currently on hiatus). For more information contact Marla Engbloom.
Companion Synod
The La Crosse Area Synod has companion synods in Peru and in the Czech Republic. To learn more, visit the La Crosse Area Synod website.
Want to know how you can get involved?
Click here to ask Pastor Becky about our current opportunities.
Mission Trips
Members and friends of ELC have been participating in Mission Trips well.... forever! Our Youth have a yearly domestic Mission Trip. We have also taken intergenerational trips to Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Vietnam, and to our southern states to help after hurricanes. For more information on upcoming trips, contact Jared Kronback.