P. A.C.K. 4th - 6th Grades
English Lutheran Church formed a planning committee to come up with ideas to help 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students become better acquainted. We named this group “P.A.C.K.” – Pre-confirmation Activities at Church for Kids.
Our goal is to provide an opportunity for our youth students to build on their relationships with one another, God, and their church family. Many of the students in our Sunday school classes don’t go to the same public school. We wanted to give them the opportunity to really get to know each other, as it is hard to do in the 45 minutes we have on Sunday morning. Isn’t it easier to join or attend something when you know who will be there?
We have planned gatherings once a month October-April that run from 6:30-8:30pm here at English Lutheran Church. This is designed for our 4th, 5th and 6th grade students only and our agenda will be as follows:
6:30-6:45 Prayer/Devotions from one of our Pastors
6:45-8:00 Activity planned for the evening
8:00-8:25 Snack and “social hour”
8:25-8:30 Closing Prayer
We also look to parents to volunteers as chaperone, provide snacks or provide juice. This is a great opportunity for your children!
Our goal is to provide an opportunity for our youth students to build on their relationships with one another, God, and their church family. Many of the students in our Sunday school classes don’t go to the same public school. We wanted to give them the opportunity to really get to know each other, as it is hard to do in the 45 minutes we have on Sunday morning. Isn’t it easier to join or attend something when you know who will be there?
We have planned gatherings once a month October-April that run from 6:30-8:30pm here at English Lutheran Church. This is designed for our 4th, 5th and 6th grade students only and our agenda will be as follows:
6:30-6:45 Prayer/Devotions from one of our Pastors
6:45-8:00 Activity planned for the evening
8:00-8:25 Snack and “social hour”
8:25-8:30 Closing Prayer
We also look to parents to volunteers as chaperone, provide snacks or provide juice. This is a great opportunity for your children!