English Lutheran Church Endowment FundEnglish Lutheran Church established an Endowment Fund in 1995. The purpose of ELC's Endowment Fund is to enhance the mission outreach ministry of the congregation to our community, and to provide for unusual items of maintenance and capital improvements of the church. Disbursements occur annually, and applications are due by January 1 each year. Requests are approved at ELC's Annual Meeting in February and disbursements are made in March.
Each year, English Lutheran Church disburses up to six percent of the total market value. Through 2024, ELC has given out over $220,000 to organizations both in our community, but also world-wide. Typical gifts range from $500-$2,000 per application. Please click here for the current application. Applications should be emailed or mailed in to the church office at the information shown on the bottom of the application by January 1. |