Come and See the Works of the Lord!… Psalm 46

Come and See - 2023 Goals:
“Come and See the Works of the Lord” is the theme of this year’s Stewardship Appeal. This phrase is taken from Psalm 46, the psalm Martin Luther used for the basis of his great hymn, “A Mighty Fortress is our God.”
Every day we are given the great gift of seeing what God is up to in our world as we respond to Jesus’ call to follow him and serve God’s people and creation.
Our grateful response to this gift of following Jesus Christ is to give our best so that others experience the love, mercy, and presence of God in all aspects of life.
Please pray about our congregation’s mission and ministry together. Pray about your offering for the next year. Pray about your response to the letter asking you to consider increasing your offering for the coming year.
Together as we reach out with the Gospel to one another and to the community, the Lord will bring blessings to you, to our congregation and to the world. Thank you for being part of this exciting congregation!
- Help our church building become even more welcoming.
- Reach out with God's love to those who are disenfranchised.
- General operations of our congregation and ministry excellence.
“Come and See the Works of the Lord” is the theme of this year’s Stewardship Appeal. This phrase is taken from Psalm 46, the psalm Martin Luther used for the basis of his great hymn, “A Mighty Fortress is our God.”
Every day we are given the great gift of seeing what God is up to in our world as we respond to Jesus’ call to follow him and serve God’s people and creation.
Our grateful response to this gift of following Jesus Christ is to give our best so that others experience the love, mercy, and presence of God in all aspects of life.
Please pray about our congregation’s mission and ministry together. Pray about your offering for the next year. Pray about your response to the letter asking you to consider increasing your offering for the coming year.
Together as we reach out with the Gospel to one another and to the community, the Lord will bring blessings to you, to our congregation and to the world. Thank you for being part of this exciting congregation!